Cash is not always king, and the increasing popularity of credit cards as the preferred mode of payment for many consumers has proven that. If your business is not already accepting and processing credit card transactions, you may be on the losing end. There are many advantages of accepting credit card transactions, with the most notable being positively impacting your bottom line. The payment industry can be quite confusing. There are a ton of regulations, different equipment, not to mention a myriad of vendors.
At Merchant Focus, we're your payment solutions partner, and we provide a single point contact regardless of your payment needs. We’re a leading provider of online credit card processing, and offer reliable services at the best possible rates. We have many satisfied merchants to prove that business owners prefer our superior services.
Why Your Business Needs to Incorporate Online Credit Card Processing
As a business owner, your top priority is customer satisfaction. And not only with your services or products, but also with your diverse and flexible payment options. So, what is it about credit card processing that makes it a business and customer magnet?
- Boosts Sales
Expanding your venture from a cash-only operation to accepting credit cards considerably attracts more customers who use credit cards. This increases the likelihood of making additional sales.
- No Need to Worry About Accepting Bad Checks
Business owners constantly worry whether the checks issued will clear or bounce. A bounced check means losing out on profits and wasted time chasing down the customer. However, credit card payments are first screened to minimize the risk of fraud.
- It Legitimizes Your Business
Displaying the credit cards you accept builds trust with your customers. They already trust the credit card brands they use, and that trust is automatically transferred to merchants who accept them.
- Helps You Remain Competitive
Is your competition accepting credit card payments? You stand to lose a lot if you don't. Accepting credit card payments enables you to remain competitive and profitable.
- Improves Cash Flow
After accepting credit card payments, the transactions are usually processed and settled swiftly, electronically and the funds deposited soon thereafter into your account. As such, you won’t have to wait after billing your customers to collect payments or wait for the checks issued to clear.
- Credit Cards Encourage Impulse Purchases
There is nothing as hassle-free as being able to complete your transactions in the shortest time possible without having to queue at the ATM for cash or write a check. That’s the kind of convenience that credit card payments offer. Research shows that consumers spend more, especially on impulse purchases, when they use their credit cards compared to other payment methods.
Your Trusted Online Credit Card Processing Partner
We provide our clients with the perfect solutions for their specific needs at the most competitive rates. Our dedicated team is result-oriented and will work with you to ensure your business has the most efficient and reliable online credit card processing system. To get started, get in touch with us today on 800-895-4085.