Merchant Focus provides online credit card processing for small business owners, eliminating the need to go through a conventional lender, such as a bank or credit union. If you own a high-risk business, you may be experiencing issues like long wait times for application approval or unusually high fees for account approval- speak with a Merchant Focus agent for a more affordable, reliable payment processing solution. Our clients attest to the fact that it doesn’t have to cost a small fortune to get set up with a payment gateway.
5 Things to Consider When Searching For Online Credit Card Processing For Small Business
1. Look for hidden fees that will make seemingly affordable services end up costing more in the end. Inquire at Merchant Focus about our all-inclusive charges to get set up with online credit card processing for small business. We have nothing to hide, so the price we quote you is the price you’ll pay for eCommerce, retail processing solutions, and mobile credit card payment options.
2. Is the company you plan to sign up with a reputable service provider? Be sure to read customer reviews and testimonials online to see how well they are meeting the needs of their clients, then, schedule a consultation over the phone to inquire about their services. Go with your gut instinct on whether they are the right company to hire.
3. Find out how long it will take to get up and running with your payment gateway- if the estimated time-frame is longer than a few weeks, keep looking. Merchant Focus is widely regarded as the best credit card processor in terms of fast-tracking your application and getting you started with card payment processing at lowest prices.
4. Compare 4 or 5 credit card processing companies when looking for a merchant account provider for your business. The best credit card processing reviews found online can serve as an indication of which companies provide the highest quality of customer care. Keep Merchant Focus in mind when you need an affordable, reliable strategy to compete for sale online, in your retail location, or while on-the-go.
5. Does your high-risk business provide a necessary service or product? If so, don’t allow a small business credit card payment processing agency to dissuade you by trying to force you into choosing a new industry or business sector. At Merchant Focus, we understand you’ve put a lot of energy and thought into your chosen business; it’s our commitment to helping you succeed by providing more options for accepting payments.
Contact a Merchant Focus specialist today at 800-895-4085 to set up a telephone meeting with an agent or request a quotation for our services. Feel free to browse the FAQ section of our website or review resources provided online. We can help you grow a successful business by providing affordable access to all of the merchant account services you need to compete on the Web or within your community. Why not give us a call today to find out more?